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The aim of this searchable bibliography is to facilitate the search for literature on Maltese linguistics. This tool was built by compiling lists of works on Maltese linguistics into one common database, comprising over 1250 entries. While it is extensive, it is not comprehensive since this is an ongoing project. A substantial amount of the titles recorded are also linked in order for the texts to be directly accessible to users.
The bibliography is constantly being updated. If you come across errors and incorrect information or note that particular works of relevance are missing, kindly contact us.
Author | Publication Year | Title |
Čéplö, Slavomír & Jaroslav Drobný | 2020 | Maltese Linguistics on the Danube |
Stolz, Thomas | 2019 | The naked truth about the Chamorro dual |
Vassallo, Giovanni A | 1843 | Esperimenti di verseggiare maltese su i metri italiani |
Micallef, Audrey R. | 1995 | Grammatika pedagoġika forma ta' sillabu spirall: studju sinkroniku tal-verb |
Zammit, Martin R. | 2006 | Unrecognizable Arabic-Maltese: The innovative Maltese element in the Maltese language |
Grech, Helen | 2012 | Translation to practice: Phonological analysis of the speech of multilingual children in Malta |
Grech, Helen | 2007 | Maltese speech acquisition |
Mazzon, Gabriella | 2008 | Bilinguismo della società e bilinguismo della rete a Malta: globalizzazione o colonizzazione |
Mazzon, Gabriella | 1992 | L'inglese di Malta |
Mazzon, Gabriella | 1989 | Politica linguistica vs identita culturale : alcuni aspetti della questione della lingua a Malta nel secondo '800 |
Mazzon, Gabriella | 1988 | Il 'bilinguismo' delle giovani generazioni a Malta |
Mayer, Thomas; Spangnol, Michael; Schönhuber, Florian | 2014 | Fixing the broken plural in Maltese |
Stolz, Thomas | 2003 | Not quite the right mixture. Chamorro and Malti as candidates for the status of mixed language. |
Masini, Ilona | 2010 | Il-Logħob bil-Lingwa |
de Martino, Massimiliana | 2009 | Analiżi lingwistika ta' prietki kontemporanji bil-Malti |
Marshall, David R. | 1973 | A comparative study of some semantic differences between Maltese and Koranic Arabic |
Marshall, David R. | 1971 | History of the Maltese language in local education |
Marshall, David R. | 1968 | A comparative table of the meaning patterns of the derived forms of the verb in Arabic and Maltese |
Micallef, G. | 1931 | Memorandum on the maltese language |
Micallef, Joanne | 2010 | Traduzzjoni tal-ktieb Many Lives, Many Masters ta’ Dr Brian Weiss li jittratta l-perċezzjoni ekstra sensorjali u r-riinkarnazzjoni |
Micallef, John | 1959 | The Sicilian element in Maltese |
Micallef, John | 1962 | Il contributo del maltese allo studio del siciliano: problemi di fonetiv´ca siciliana e maltese |
Mifsud, Manwel | 1994 | The weak-final conjugation in the Semitic component of Maltese |
Mifsud, Manwel | 1994 | Internal pluralization in Maltese: continuity and innovation |
Mifsud, Manwel | 1992 | The non-semitic element in Maltese verbal morphology: a descriptive and comparative study of loanverbs in Maltese (2 vol.) |
Mifsud, Josephine | 1982 | It-tagħlim tal-Malti lit-tfal batuti fl-ewwel tliet klassijiet ta’ l-iskejjel primarji: |
Mifsud, Jeanelle | 2014 | Tibdil fil-morfoloġija u fis-sintassi fil-Malti Modern |
Mifsud, Francis Paul | 1979 | Studju komparattiv ta’ l-ideat lingwistiċi u letterarji ta’ MA Vassalli u A.E. Caruana fl-isfond ta’ l-istorja ta’ iIlsien Malti |
Mifsud, Emanuel | 1971 | The demonstrative in Maltese |
Marshall, David R. | 1967 | Some discrepancies in the reasoning of the Arab grammarians |
Micheli, Silvia | 2001 | Language attitudes of the young generation in Malta |
Micallef, Rita | 1996 | An investigation into the language skills of monolingual Maltese and English subjects with down syndrome |
Micallef, Paul; Psaila, Anthony | 2008 | Building an Automatic Speech Annotation System |
Micallef, Paul | 1998 | Rule based lexical analysis of Maltese |
Micallef, Paul | 1997 | A text to speech synthesis system for Maltese |
Micallef, Nevisse A. | 2008 | L-analiżi ta’ l-istrutturi sintattiċi fil-komponiment ġenerali fl-eżami taċ-ĊES tal-Malti, Mejju 2007 |
Micallef, Marlene | 1999 | Linguistic attitudes and code-switching patterns in Malta |
Micallef, Maria | 2010 | Il-Korrispondenza ta' Agius De Soldanis Libr. 146 V III |
Micallef Trigona, Michael | 1975 | Il-qawl, b’riferenza għall-qawl Malti fil-biedja Maltija |
Mifsud, Manwel | 1995 | Loan verbs in Maltese: a descriptive and comparative study |
Brincat, Joseph | 2012 | Dal Risorgimento a oggi: la lunga lotta tra l’inglese e l’italiano a Malta si può dire conclusa |
Mangion, Giovanni | 1971 | Giovan Francesco Buonamico scienziato e letterato maltese del Seicento |
Lucas, Christopher | 2014 | Indefinites and negative concord in Maltese: towards a dynamic account |
Louis, Andre | 1977 | Famille et vie familiale a travers les proverbes tunisiens |
Magro, Elgar-Paul | 2004 | Le discours rapporté et l’oral spontané: l’exemple de deux récits en maltais |
Brincat, Joseph | 2006 | Standard e commutazione di codice in una nazione bilingue: il maltese e l’inglese a Malta Perspectives Fonctionnelles: Emprunts, économie et variation dans les langues |
Letard, Giuseppe Nicola | 1866 | Nuova guida alla conversazione italiana, inglese e maltese ad uso delle scuole |
Brincat, Joseph | 2006 | Languages and varieties in use in Malta today: Maltese, English, Italian, Maltese English and Maltaliano |
Lautier, Mireille | 2010 | L-idjomi b’tema reliġjuża fil-Malti: ġabra u valutazzjoni tagħhom |
Lameen Souag | 2020 | Maltese and North African linguistics: Common roots and areal divergence |
Lafi, Nora | 1994 | Les relations de Malte et de Tripoli de Barbarie au XIX siècle |
Lafayette, Robert | 1997 | An anthropological examination of aspects of Maltese culture: The Maltese in Malta, and the Maltese in New York City |
Krug, Manfred; Rosen, Anna | 2012 | Standards of English in Malta and the Channel Islands |
Krug, Manfred | 2015 | Maltese English |
Krier, Fernande | 1980 | Lehnwort und Fremdwort im Maltesischen |
Krier, Fernande | 1976 | Le maltais au contact de l'italien |
Krier, Fernande | 1975 | Les emprunts du maltais à l'italien: Etude phonologique grammaticale et lexicale |
Lucas, Christopher; Spagnol, Michael | 2022 | Nunation from Arabic to Maltese |
Ludtke, Helmut | 1977 | Epistemological remarks on language change and language universals |
Mifsud, Manwel | 1996 | The Loanword in Maltese: A Romance-Arabic crossbreed |
Maas, Utz | 2007 | Mirative im Maltesischen: ein Fall von Grammati (kali) sierung? |
Manduca, Joseph S. & Ġorġ Mifsud | 1989 | Il-qawl iqul : ġabra ta’ qwiel Maltin |
Manara, Ernesto | 1886 | La lingua di Malta traverso i secoli: saggio storico |
Mallia, Phyllisienne | 2008 | Il-logħob tan-nar: stħarriġ etnografiku bi glossarju |
Mallia, Magdalen | 1986 | It-tagħlim tal-Malti permezz ta’ "topics" għal form ii |
Mallette, Karla | 2011 | The Ramparts of Europe: The Invention of the Maltese Language |
Majus, Johann H. | 1718 | Specimen linguae punicae in hodierna melitensium superstitis |
Brincat, Joseph | 2010 | Bilinguismo storico, statale e scolastico a Malta. Vantaggi e pericoli |
Magro, Janica | 2012 | Patri Pelagju – Kittieb Malti tas-Seklu 18 |
Magro, Elgar-Paul | 2004 | Le discours rapporté et l'oral spontané: l'exemple de deux récits en maltais |
Magro, Elgar-Paul | 2004 | La chute de la mélodie dans les énoncés assertifs en maltais: finalité ou continuation? |
Magro, Elgar-Paul | 2000 | Propriétés intonatives du maltais, à partir de deux enregistrements de 'récit de vie' (deux locutrices de 80 ans et 30 ans) |
Magro, Elgar-Paul | 1999 | Souvenir de jeunesse d'une grand-mère Maltaise. analyse d'un récit en Maltais oral contemporain |
Magri, Josianne | 2004 | Sett ta’ riżorsi interattivi għat-tagħlim tal-Malti għar-raba’ sena tal-primarja |
Macaluso, Rosalba | 1990 | G. P. F. Agius De Soldanis (1712-1770) and his writings on the history and language of Malta and Gozo |
Maas, Utz | 2009 | Complex predicates in Maltese |
Magro, Elgar-Paul | 2004 | Le paragraphe oral et ses constituants discursifs en français et en maltais oral spontané: ébauche d'une comparaison |
Krier, Fernande | 1975 | Analyse syntaxique de la phrase nominale en maltais |
Mifsud, Manwel | 1995 | The productivity of Arabic in Maltese |
Mifsud, Manwel | 1996 | The Loanword in Maltese: A Romance-Arabic crossbreed |
Francesconi, Sabrina | 2010 | Language habits, domains, competence and awareness: the role and use of English in Malta |
Paggio, Patrizia & Alexandra Vella | 2014 | Overlaps in Maltese Conversational and Task-Oriented Dialogues |
Pace, Tony; Pace, Joan | 2001 | Merlin Malti : kors bażiku fil-Malti (Merlin Malti 1) |
Pace, Tony; Pace, Joan | 1991 | Merlin Malti 2: aqra, ifhem u wieġeb (2) |
Pace, Thomas | 2007 | Il-Lingwa ta’ l-Ugwaljanza: lejn Diskors Ġust bejn il-Ġeneri |
Pace, Pawlu | 1970 | Mikiel Anton Vassalli u l-industrija tal-qoton, b’żieda ta’ tixbih mat-terminoloġija fid-dizzjunarji ta’ de Soldanis, Falzon u Caruana |
Pace, Paul | 1975 | The language question, 1920-1934: a critical edition of the relevant documents |
Pace, Gordon J. | 2004 | Monadic compositional parsing with context using maltese as a case study |
Calleja, Sinclair | 2003 | Maltese speech recognition over mobile telephony |
Pace, Gordon J. | 2004 | Monadic compositional parsing with context using maltese as a case study |
Paavola, Hanna | 1987 | Features of Maltese-English |
Oman, Giovanni | 1977 | I termini arabi relativi alla sogliola nel mediterrano |
Olevano, Alessandra | 1999 | L'interferenza Semitico-Romanza e i processi di grammaticalizzazione nel Maltese |
Ohk, Kim | 1997 | Maltesisch - Wort für Wort |
Panzavecchia, Fortunato | 1845 | Grammatica della lingua Maltese. Spiegata secondo i principj delle lingale orientali e della lingua italiana |
Parawahera, Nimal Pannakitti | 1994 | Lexical strata in Maltese |
Cremona, Joseph | 1994 | The survival of Arabic in Malta: the Sicilian centuries |
Pascale, Natalie | 2011 | Maltese dialects: the effects of globalization and changing attitudes on Malta's linguistic diversity |
Preca, Annibale | 1880 | Saggio intorno alla lingua maltese come affine dell'ebraico |
Portelli, Josette | 2005 | The mean length of utterance in Maltese speaking children (2 vol.) |
Portelli, John R. | 2006 | Language: An important signifier of masculinity in a bilingual context |
Pollacco, Norberta | 2011 | Dizzjunarju Storiku msejjes fuq il-“Mezzo Vocabolario Maltese-Italiano del ’700” |
Polidano, Rosaria | 1989 | Mill-ħajja taż-żrieraq: aspetti folkloristiċi |
Polidano, Mary Anne | 1995 | L-element dijakroniku fil-Malti: tfassil ta’ sillabu ġdid |
Plank, Frans; Moravcsik, Edith | 1996 | The Maltese article: Language-particulars and universals |
Ohk, Brigitte | 1999 | Dizzjunarju: Malti-Germaniż, 1st edn |
Plank, Frans | 1996 | Domains of the dual, in Maltese and in general |
Brincat, Joseph | 2008 | Sicilianismi, italianismi e anglolatinismi nel vocabolario della lingua maltese |
Peterson, John | 2009 | Pseudo-verbs": an analysis of non-verbal (co-)predication in Maltese |
Peretti, Joseph | 1964 | Les aspects linguistiques, litteraires, artistiques et folkloriques de l'Italianite de Malte |
Aquilina, Joseph | 1975 | Some dialectal aspects of Maltese |
Payne, John R. | 1996 | The syntax of the Maltese cardinal numerals |
Wolf, Matthew | Cyclicity and non-cyclicity in Maltese: Local ordering of phonology and morphology in OT-CC | |
Pascoe, Robert & Jarlath Ronayne | 1997 | Malta: A siege and a journey |
Borg, Albert J. & Bernard Comrie | 1984 | Object diffuseness in Maltese |
Mifsud, Manwel | 1996 | The collective in Maltese |
Nieder, Jessica; van de Vijver, Ruben; Mitterer, Holger | 2021 | Knowledge of Maltese singular-plural mappings |
Milton, Josephine | 2010 | 'Speak in English!' : the language use of student teachers teaching English in Maltese primary schools : case studies |
Miller Amberber, Amanda; Nickels, Lyndsey A.; Crain, Stephen; Coltheart, Max | 2011 | Switching languages in bilingual aphasia : evidence of grammatical impairment from Rarotongan, Maltese, French and English |
Miller, Frederic P.; Vandome, Agnes F.; McBrewster, John | 2009 | Maltese Language |
Mifsud Grimaud, Veronique | 2009 | Websites in Maltese - How important are they for research purposes for year 5 and 6 pupils? |
Mifsud Chircop, George | 1978 | Towards a structural analysis of the Maltese riddle on Maranda's metaphoric structures |
Mifsud, Steven | 2012 | Il-Karti Manwali tas-Soċjetà Museumina - Studju Kritiku |
Mifsud, Ruth; Sammut, Moira | 1996 | L-iskills tas-smigħ tat-taħdit fil-lingwa Maltija fil-livell primarju mill-kindergarten sat-tielet sena |
Mifsud, Neville | 2014 | Id-djarju ta’ de Soldanis - tagħrif bijografiku u soċjali |
Mifsud, Mary Rose | 2010 | A translation of Hotel Rwanda (screenplay) |
Mifsud, Maria | 2010 | A study of superordinates & hyponyms in Maltese Sign Language |
Mifsud, Maria | 1993 | The extent of English/Maltese usage among university students: sociolinguistic considerations |
Mifsud, Manwel; Borg, Albert J. | 1997 | Fuq l-għatba tal-Malti : deskrizzjoni kommunikattiva ta’ l-ilsien Malti fuq il-mudell tat-"Threshold level 1990 |
Mifsud, Manwel | 2009 | Imma l-oriġinal oriġinali?": A noun-adjective opposition in some Maltese word-classes of Romance origin |
Vanhove, Martine | 1998 | Future, injunctive and purpose subordinating conjunctions. The case of Maltese ħalli, ħa and biex |
Mizzi, Carole | 2006 | As a matter of tact: a sociolinguistic perspective of English and Maltese euphemisms |
Mizzi, Lewis F. | 1923 | What is the Maltese Language? |
Mizzi, Rosario | 2010 | A speech intelligibility test for Maltese speaking children between 5 to 10 years: A pilot study |
Mizzi, Veronica | 2013 | Ir-reġistru tat-tisjir tal-ħelu bl-ilsien Malti |
Nieder, Jessica; Tomaschek, Fabian; Cohrs, Enum; de van Vijver, Ruben | 2022 | Modelling Maltese noun plural classes without morphemes |
Zammit, Marjes & Charles Mifsud | 2003 | Language learning and teaching in Malta |
Neame, Josephine | 2006 | Code-switching in Sliema |
Muscat, Maria | 2009 | Dizzjunarju storiku msejjes fuq ix-xhieda tal-ismijiet tal-inħawi mxandrin fil-Place-Names ta’ Wettinger: I-Z |
Muscat, Liliana | 1970 | Napoleon Tagliaferro: his life and works with an edition of his "vocabolario topografico di Malta" |
Muscat, Keith | 2014 | Il-lingwaġġ tar-reklamar bil-Malti |
Muscat, Derek | 2011 | A contrastive study of German and Maltese constituent order and its application in translation practices |
Nieder, Jessica; van de Vijver, Ruben; Mitterer, Holger | 2021 | Priming Maltese plurals |
Muscat, Charlie | 1973 | Lejn ir-rebħa ta’ l-ilsien Malti, 1921-1940 |
Muscat, Adrian; Saliba, Charles Daniel | 2010 | Malti aħjar bi sforzi żgħar! |
Muscat, Adrian; Saliba, Charles Daniel | 2006 | Aċċess: Grammatika għall-eżami taċ-ĊES fil-livell ordinarju |
Müller, Stefan | 2009 | A head-driven phrase structure grammar for Maltese |
Moser, Manfred; Meyer, Sharon; Felice-Pace, Joe | 2005 | Malti-Ġermaniż, dizzjunarju kbir = Deutsch-Maltesisch, großes Wörterbuch |
Mori, Laura | 2012 | Linguistic variation in legal Maltese: EU directives compared to national implementation laws |
Mori, Laura | 2009 | The shaping of Maltese troughout the centuries |
Brincat, Joseph | 1992 | Lingua e demografia a Malta: appunti per la storia del maltese standard |
Muscat, Amanda | 2014 | Speaker specific characteristics in Maltese: potential indicators for use in forensic settings |
Krier, Fernande | 1975 | Analyse phonologique du maltais |
Saade, Benjamin | 2020 | Derivational networks in Maltese |
Stolz, Thomas | 2011 | Maltese |
Gatt, Mary Rose | 1964 | It-tagħlim tal-Malti |
Gatt, Marthese; Muscat, Rita | 1997 | Analiżi tal-lingwa tat-tfal: temi u vokabularju |
Gatt, M'Dolores; Grixti, Charmaine | 1994 | Id-diffikultajiet fit-tagħlim tal-Malti li jiltaqgħu magħhom l-istudenti meta jgħaddu mill-iskola primarja għas-sekondarja |
Gatt, Kurstin | 2020 | Minsel: An etymological database for lexemes of Arabic origin in Maltese |
Gatt, Guzi | 2005 | Qiegħda fil-ponta ta' lsieni |
Gatt, Eric C. | 1984 | The semitic element in the "Damma" of Agius De Soldanis (3 vol.) |
Gatt, Daniela; Letts, Carolyn; Klee, Thomas | 2008 | Lexical mixing in the early productive vocabularies of Maltese children: Implications for intervention |
Gatt, Daniela; Grech, Helen; Dodd, Barbara | 2015 | Early lexical expression in children exposed to mixed input: A case of monolingual or bilingual development? |
Gatt, Daniela; Grech, Helen; Dodd, Barbara | 2013 | Early lexical expression in typically developing Maltese children: implications for the identification of language delay |
Gatt, Daniela | 2010 | Early expressive lexical development: evidence from children brought up in Maltese-speaking families |
Gatt, Daniela | 2007 | Establishing the concurrent validity of a vocabulary checklist for young Maltese children |
Gatt, Daniela | 2001 | A case study: patterns of language use employed by a Maltese mother with her language delayed infant |
Gatt, Albert; Vella, Alexandra; Caruana, Joe | 2003 | Annotating textual and speech data in maltese |
Gatt, Albert; Perea, Manuel; Moret-Tatay, Carmen; Fabri, Ray | 2012 | Are all Semitic languages immune to letter transpositions? The case of Maltese |
Gatt, Albert & Slavomír Čéplö | 2013 | Digital corpora and other electronic resources for Maltese |
Gatt, Mary Rose | 1974 | A comparative lexical study of the romance element in Agius de Soldanis’ "damma tal kliem kartaginis mscerred fel fom tal Maltin u Ghaucin" (2 vol.) |
Gatt, Michael | 1990 | L’influenza Italiana nei romanzi Maltesi tradotti dall’Italiano nell’ottocento: "Gianmaria ovvero L’ultimo dei Baroni Cassia" di Michelangelo Bottari: |
Gauci, Marie | 2014 | Prietka qadima ta’ Mifsud: kontribut għad-dizzjunarju storiku |
Gauci, Phyllisienne; Camilleri, Maris | 2014 | Syncretism in Maltese: the case of the dual |
Grech, J. J. | 1977 | A study of aspect in English and Maltese |
Grech, Henry | 2004 | Grammatika maltija |
Grech, Henry | 2003 | Qwiel Maltin |
Grech, Helen; Dodd, Barbara | 2008 | Phonological acquisition in Malta: A bilingual language learning context |
Grech, Helen | 2012 | Translation to practice: Phonological analysis of the speech of multilingual children in Malta |
Grech, Helen | 2007 | Maltese speech acquisition |
Grech, Helen | 1998 | Phonological development of Maltese speaking children |
Gatt, Albert | 2011 | Dizzjunarju għall-primarja |
Saari, Rami | 2007 | Maltese ilu - The only postposition in a language of prepositions? |
Gixti, Joe | 2006 | Growing um between cultures: Linguistic and cultural identity among Maltese youth and their ethnic counterparts in Australia |
Gil, David | 1996 | Maltese”collective nouns”: a typological perspective |
Giezendanner, Ruedi | 1983 | Review of: a study of aspect in Maltese, by Albert G. Borg |
Gialanzè, Ritienne | 2009 | Ħarsa lejn l-iżvilupp lingwistiku tal-lingwa f’tifla Maltija |
Gesenius, Wilhelm | 1810 | Versuch über die maltesische Sprache zur Beurtheilung der neulich wiederhohlten Behauptung, dass sie ein Ueberrest der altpunischen sey, und als Beytrag zur arabischen Dialektologie |
Camilleri Grima, Antoinette | 2015 | Malta: Bilingual education for self-preservation and global fitness |
Gauci, Sarah | 2008 | L-ideat ta’ Vassalli kif xandarhom fil-daħliet tal-kitbiet tiegħu, u t-twettiq tagħhom |
Glynnies, Bonnici | 2014 | L-identifikazzjoni u d-definizzjoni ta’ għadd magħżul ta’ kliem b’kontenut kulturali għad-dizzjunarju elettroniku Malti |
Grech, Jake | 2010 | Aspetti lingwistiċi fil-prietki tas-seklu tmintax |
Gatt, Albert | 2004 | Regular and generic possessives in Maltese |
Gardani, Francesco | 2008 | Sicilian (Italian) into Maltese |
Francesconi, Sabrina | 2010 | Language habits, domains, competence and awareness: the role and use of English in Malta |
Kontzi, Reinhold | 1991 | Maltesische Redensarten, gesammelt von Bertha Koessler-Ilg |
Firman, Christine | 2007 | A study of word-level decoding skills of 7-year-old Maltese children in a bilingual environment |
Brincat, Joseph | 1989 | Language and demography in Malta. the social foundations of the symbiosis between semitic and romance in standard Maltese |
Fiorini, Stanley | 1999 | Ut vulgo dicitur. Pre- 1600 materials for a documented etymology of Maltese |
Fiorini, Stanley | 1989 | A note on evidence for -LL->-DD- in Maltese onomastics |
Fiorini, Stanley | 1987 | Sicilian connexions of some medieval Maltese surnames |
Fiorini, Stanley | 1986 | A survey of Maltese nicknames I : the nicknames of Naxxar, 1832 |
Fina, Cristina | 1990 | Maltese anthroponymy and toponymy |
Filipovich, Vladimir; Enriquez Filipovich, Catherine | 2006 | English-Maltese: the Maltese language for all occasions |
Filipovich, Vladimir; Enriquez Filipovich, Catherine | 1998 | Italiano-Maltese : la lingua Maltese per ogni occasione |
Filipovich, Vladimir; Enriquez Filipovich, Catherine | 1998 | Français-Maltaise : la langue Maltaise pour tout les occasions |
Filipovich, Vladimir; Enriquez Filipovich, Catherine | 1998 | Deutsch-Maltesisch : die Maltesische Sprache in allen Situationen |
Azzopardi-Alexander, Marie | 2003 | The vowel system of Maltese: from production to perception |
Fenech Magrin, Josette | 2003 | Transferability of polysemous expressions in Maltese bilinguals |
Francica, Claire | 2007 | The effect of different early support programmes on Maltese bilingual children: three case studies |
Francom, Jerid; LaCross, Amy; Ussishkin, Adam | 2010 | How specialized are specialized corpora? Behavioral evaluation of corpus representativeness for Maltese |
Frendo, Henry | 1973 | Language of a colony: a study of the Maltese language question during British colonialism, 1800-1919 |
Frendo, Henry | 1992 | Language and nationhood in the Maltese Experience. Some comperative and theoretical approaches |
Gardani, Francesco | 2008 | Sicilian (Italian) into Maltese |
Gambin, Kenneth | 2004 | Malta: Roots of a Nation |
Galea, Vincent; Tano | 1994 | Analiżi ta’ l-iżbalji tal-karta tal-Malti, fl-eżami għad-dħul fil-"junior lyceum‟ |
Galea, Rosaire | 2010 | Sitt Prietki Qodma fl-Arkivju tal-Università - traskrizzjoni u analiżi |
Galea, Maria | 2014 | SignWriting (SW) of Maltese Sign Language (LSM) and its development into an orthography: Linguistic considerations |
Galea, Maria | 2006 | Classifier constructions in Maltese Sign Language (LSM): an analysis |
Galea, Luke; Ellul, Leanne | 2020 | Revisiting the definite article in Maltese |
Gatt, Albert | 2003 | On the semantics of possessive constructions in Maltese |
Galea, Luke | 2012 | The representation of strong tri-consonantal Semitic verbs in the Maltese Mental Lexicon |
Galea, Anna; Mifsud, Doris; Zammit, Denise | 1978 | Fil-baħar mad-denfil, vol. 2: studju morfoloġiku dwar "id-denfil taż-żgħar" u "id-denfil 1 |
Gafà, Aurele | 2009 | Il-Malti fl-edizzjonijiet tal-katekiżmu ta’ Wizzinu 1752-1911 |
de Gabriele, Reuben | 2013 | Is-sengħa tal-kurdar - Studju lessikali dwar il-ħdim tal-ħabel |
Friggieri, Oliver | 2000 | Dizzjunarju ta’ termini letterarji: teorija, metrika, stilistika b’eżempji mil-letteratura Maltija |
Friggieri, Oliver | 1981 | Per una valutazione storico-letteraria del romanticismo maltese |
Friggieri, Oliver | 1979 | Momenti fondamentali dell'itinerario leopardiano di Karmenu Vassallo |
Friggieri, Oliver | 1978 | Dun Karm tra neoclassicismo e romanticismo |
Galea, Audrey | 1999 | It-tagħlim tal-grammatika ta’ l-ilsien nattiv fil-livell primarju |
Grech, M'Dolores | 1994 | Il-vokabularju espressiv Malti, Taljan u Ingliż f’erba’ oqsma lessikali fit-tfal ta’ ħames u sitt snin il-partiċipju attiv |
Grech, Marisa | 2006 | The Maltese language in Maltese primary legislation: 1921 to 1947 |
Grech, Paul | 1961 | Are there any traces of Punic in Maltese? |
Kabazi, Fuad | 1989 | Ulteriori considerazioni linguistiche sulla Cantilena di Pierto Caxaro |
Just, Erika; éplö, Slavomír | 2022 | Differential object indexing in Maltese - a corpus based pilot study |
Borg, Alexander | 1996 | On some Levantine linguistics traits in Maltese |
Iványi, Márton Pál | 2021 | Egy látszólagos paradoxon: a kereszténység fogalmainak arab szókészlete a máltai nyelvben [An apparent paradox: the concepts of Christianity - Arabic vocabulary of concepts of Christianity in the Maltese language] |
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