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L-għan ta’ din il-biblijografija huwa li tiffaċilita t-tfittxija għax-xogħlijiet fuq il-lingwistika Maltija. Din l-għodda nbniet billi nġabru xogħlijiet relatati mal-lingwistika Maltija f'database waħda, li tinkludi aktar minn 1250 entrata. Il-lista hija waħda estensiva iżda ma tinkludix kollox ladarba dan huwa proġett kontinwu. Numru sostanzjali mix-xogħlijiet imniżżla għandhom magħhom ħolqa sabiex l-utenti jkunu jistgħu jaċċessaw il-kontenut b’mod dirett.
Il-biblijografija tiġi aġġornata kontinwament. Jekk tiltaqa’ ma' żbalji, informazzjoni mhux korretta jew tinnota li xogħlijiet rilevanti tħallew barra, napprezzaw jekk tikkuntattjana.
Author | Publication Year | Titlu |
Čéplö, Slavomír & Jaroslav Drobný | 2020 | Maltese Linguistics on the Danube |
Stolz, Thomas | 2019 | The naked truth about the Chamorro dual |
Vassallo, Giovanni A | 1843 | Esperimenti di verseggiare maltese su i metri italiani |
Micallef, Audrey R. | 1995 | Grammatika pedagoġika forma ta' sillabu spirall: studju sinkroniku tal-verb |
Zammit, Martin R. | 2006 | Unrecognizable Arabic-Maltese: The innovative Maltese element in the Maltese language |
Grech, Helen | 2012 | Translation to practice: Phonological analysis of the speech of multilingual children in Malta |
Grech, Helen | 2007 | Maltese speech acquisition |
Mazzon, Gabriella | 2008 | Bilinguismo della società e bilinguismo della rete a Malta: globalizzazione o colonizzazione |
Mazzon, Gabriella | 1992 | L'inglese di Malta |
Mazzon, Gabriella | 1989 | Politica linguistica vs identita culturale : alcuni aspetti della questione della lingua a Malta nel secondo '800 |
Mazzon, Gabriella | 1988 | Il 'bilinguismo' delle giovani generazioni a Malta |
Mayer, Thomas; Spangnol, Michael; Schönhuber, Florian | 2014 | Fixing the broken plural in Maltese |
Stolz, Thomas | 2003 | Not quite the right mixture. Chamorro and Malti as candidates for the status of mixed language. |
Masini, Ilona | 2010 | Il-Logħob bil-Lingwa |
de Martino, Massimiliana | 2009 | Analiżi lingwistika ta' prietki kontemporanji bil-Malti |
Marshall, David R. | 1973 | A comparative study of some semantic differences between Maltese and Koranic Arabic |
Marshall, David R. | 1971 | History of the Maltese language in local education |
Marshall, David R. | 1968 | A comparative table of the meaning patterns of the derived forms of the verb in Arabic and Maltese |
Micallef, G. | 1931 | Memorandum on the maltese language |
Micallef, Joanne | 2010 | Traduzzjoni tal-ktieb Many Lives, Many Masters ta’ Dr Brian Weiss li jittratta l-perċezzjoni ekstra sensorjali u r-riinkarnazzjoni |
Micallef, John | 1959 | The Sicilian element in Maltese |
Micallef, John | 1962 | Il contributo del maltese allo studio del siciliano: problemi di fonetiv´ca siciliana e maltese |
Mifsud, Manwel | 1994 | The weak-final conjugation in the Semitic component of Maltese |
Mifsud, Manwel | 1994 | Internal pluralization in Maltese: continuity and innovation |
Mifsud, Manwel | 1992 | The non-semitic element in Maltese verbal morphology: a descriptive and comparative study of loanverbs in Maltese (2 vol.) |
Mifsud, Josephine | 1982 | It-tagħlim tal-Malti lit-tfal batuti fl-ewwel tliet klassijiet ta’ l-iskejjel primarji: |
Mifsud, Jeanelle | 2014 | Tibdil fil-morfoloġija u fis-sintassi fil-Malti Modern |
Mifsud, Francis Paul | 1979 | Studju komparattiv ta’ l-ideat lingwistiċi u letterarji ta’ MA Vassalli u A.E. Caruana fl-isfond ta’ l-istorja ta’ iIlsien Malti |
Mifsud, Emanuel | 1971 | The demonstrative in Maltese |
Marshall, David R. | 1967 | Some discrepancies in the reasoning of the Arab grammarians |
Micheli, Silvia | 2001 | Language attitudes of the young generation in Malta |
Micallef, Rita | 1996 | An investigation into the language skills of monolingual Maltese and English subjects with down syndrome |
Micallef, Paul; Psaila, Anthony | 2008 | Building an Automatic Speech Annotation System |
Micallef, Paul | 1998 | Rule based lexical analysis of Maltese |
Micallef, Paul | 1997 | A text to speech synthesis system for Maltese |
Micallef, Nevisse A. | 2008 | L-analiżi ta’ l-istrutturi sintattiċi fil-komponiment ġenerali fl-eżami taċ-ĊES tal-Malti, Mejju 2007 |
Micallef, Marlene | 1999 | Linguistic attitudes and code-switching patterns in Malta |
Micallef, Maria | 2010 | Il-Korrispondenza ta' Agius De Soldanis Libr. 146 V III |
Micallef Trigona, Michael | 1975 | Il-qawl, b’riferenza għall-qawl Malti fil-biedja Maltija |
Mifsud, Manwel | 1995 | Loan verbs in Maltese: a descriptive and comparative study |
Brincat, Joseph | 2012 | Dal Risorgimento a oggi: la lunga lotta tra l’inglese e l’italiano a Malta si può dire conclusa |
Mangion, Giovanni | 1971 | Giovan Francesco Buonamico scienziato e letterato maltese del Seicento |
Lucas, Christopher | 2014 | Indefinites and negative concord in Maltese: towards a dynamic account |
Louis, Andre | 1977 | Famille et vie familiale a travers les proverbes tunisiens |
Magro, Elgar-Paul | 2004 | Le discours rapporté et l’oral spontané: l’exemple de deux récits en maltais |
Brincat, Joseph | 2006 | Standard e commutazione di codice in una nazione bilingue: il maltese e l’inglese a Malta Perspectives Fonctionnelles: Emprunts, économie et variation dans les langues |
Letard, Giuseppe Nicola | 1866 | Nuova guida alla conversazione italiana, inglese e maltese ad uso delle scuole |
Brincat, Joseph | 2006 | Languages and varieties in use in Malta today: Maltese, English, Italian, Maltese English and Maltaliano |
Lautier, Mireille | 2010 | L-idjomi b’tema reliġjuża fil-Malti: ġabra u valutazzjoni tagħhom |
Lameen Souag | 2020 | Maltese and North African linguistics: Common roots and areal divergence |
Lafi, Nora | 1994 | Les relations de Malte et de Tripoli de Barbarie au XIX siècle |
Lafayette, Robert | 1997 | An anthropological examination of aspects of Maltese culture: The Maltese in Malta, and the Maltese in New York City |
Krug, Manfred; Rosen, Anna | 2012 | Standards of English in Malta and the Channel Islands |
Krug, Manfred | 2015 | Maltese English |
Krier, Fernande | 1980 | Lehnwort und Fremdwort im Maltesischen |
Krier, Fernande | 1976 | Le maltais au contact de l'italien |
Krier, Fernande | 1975 | Les emprunts du maltais à l'italien: Etude phonologique grammaticale et lexicale |
Lucas, Christopher; Spagnol, Michael | 2022 | Nunation from Arabic to Maltese |
Ludtke, Helmut | 1977 | Epistemological remarks on language change and language universals |
Mifsud, Manwel | 1996 | The Loanword in Maltese: A Romance-Arabic crossbreed |
Maas, Utz | 2007 | Mirative im Maltesischen: ein Fall von Grammati (kali) sierung? |
Manduca, Joseph S. & Ġorġ Mifsud | 1989 | Il-qawl iqul : ġabra ta’ qwiel Maltin |
Manara, Ernesto | 1886 | La lingua di Malta traverso i secoli: saggio storico |
Mallia, Phyllisienne | 2008 | Il-logħob tan-nar: stħarriġ etnografiku bi glossarju |
Mallia, Magdalen | 1986 | It-tagħlim tal-Malti permezz ta’ "topics" għal form ii |
Mallette, Karla | 2011 | The Ramparts of Europe: The Invention of the Maltese Language |
Majus, Johann H. | 1718 | Specimen linguae punicae in hodierna melitensium superstitis |
Brincat, Joseph | 2010 | Bilinguismo storico, statale e scolastico a Malta. Vantaggi e pericoli |
Magro, Janica | 2012 | Patri Pelagju – Kittieb Malti tas-Seklu 18 |
Magro, Elgar-Paul | 2004 | Le discours rapporté et l'oral spontané: l'exemple de deux récits en maltais |
Magro, Elgar-Paul | 2004 | La chute de la mélodie dans les énoncés assertifs en maltais: finalité ou continuation? |
Magro, Elgar-Paul | 2000 | Propriétés intonatives du maltais, à partir de deux enregistrements de 'récit de vie' (deux locutrices de 80 ans et 30 ans) |
Magro, Elgar-Paul | 1999 | Souvenir de jeunesse d'une grand-mère Maltaise. analyse d'un récit en Maltais oral contemporain |
Magri, Josianne | 2004 | Sett ta’ riżorsi interattivi għat-tagħlim tal-Malti għar-raba’ sena tal-primarja |
Macaluso, Rosalba | 1990 | G. P. F. Agius De Soldanis (1712-1770) and his writings on the history and language of Malta and Gozo |
Maas, Utz | 2009 | Complex predicates in Maltese |
Magro, Elgar-Paul | 2004 | Le paragraphe oral et ses constituants discursifs en français et en maltais oral spontané: ébauche d'une comparaison |
Krier, Fernande | 1975 | Analyse syntaxique de la phrase nominale en maltais |
Mifsud, Manwel | 1995 | The productivity of Arabic in Maltese |
Mifsud, Manwel | 1996 | The Loanword in Maltese: A Romance-Arabic crossbreed |
Francesconi, Sabrina | 2010 | Language habits, domains, competence and awareness: the role and use of English in Malta |
Paggio, Patrizia & Alexandra Vella | 2014 | Overlaps in Maltese Conversational and Task-Oriented Dialogues |
Pace, Tony; Pace, Joan | 2001 | Merlin Malti : kors bażiku fil-Malti (Merlin Malti 1) |
Pace, Tony; Pace, Joan | 1991 | Merlin Malti 2: aqra, ifhem u wieġeb (2) |
Pace, Thomas | 2007 | Il-Lingwa ta’ l-Ugwaljanza: lejn Diskors Ġust bejn il-Ġeneri |
Pace, Pawlu | 1970 | Mikiel Anton Vassalli u l-industrija tal-qoton, b’żieda ta’ tixbih mat-terminoloġija fid-dizzjunarji ta’ de Soldanis, Falzon u Caruana |
Pace, Paul | 1975 | The language question, 1920-1934: a critical edition of the relevant documents |
Pace, Gordon J. | 2004 | Monadic compositional parsing with context using maltese as a case study |
Calleja, Sinclair | 2003 | Maltese speech recognition over mobile telephony |
Pace, Gordon J. | 2004 | Monadic compositional parsing with context using maltese as a case study |
Paavola, Hanna | 1987 | Features of Maltese-English |
Oman, Giovanni | 1977 | I termini arabi relativi alla sogliola nel mediterrano |
Olevano, Alessandra | 1999 | L'interferenza Semitico-Romanza e i processi di grammaticalizzazione nel Maltese |
Ohk, Kim | 1997 | Maltesisch - Wort für Wort |
Panzavecchia, Fortunato | 1845 | Grammatica della lingua Maltese. Spiegata secondo i principj delle lingale orientali e della lingua italiana |
Parawahera, Nimal Pannakitti | 1994 | Lexical strata in Maltese |
Cremona, Joseph | 1994 | The survival of Arabic in Malta: the Sicilian centuries |
Pascale, Natalie | 2011 | Maltese dialects: the effects of globalization and changing attitudes on Malta's linguistic diversity |
Preca, Annibale | 1880 | Saggio intorno alla lingua maltese come affine dell'ebraico |
Portelli, Josette | 2005 | The mean length of utterance in Maltese speaking children (2 vol.) |
Portelli, John R. | 2006 | Language: An important signifier of masculinity in a bilingual context |
Pollacco, Norberta | 2011 | Dizzjunarju Storiku msejjes fuq il-“Mezzo Vocabolario Maltese-Italiano del ’700” |
Polidano, Rosaria | 1989 | Mill-ħajja taż-żrieraq: aspetti folkloristiċi |
Polidano, Mary Anne | 1995 | L-element dijakroniku fil-Malti: tfassil ta’ sillabu ġdid |
Plank, Frans; Moravcsik, Edith | 1996 | The Maltese article: Language-particulars and universals |
Ohk, Brigitte | 1999 | Dizzjunarju: Malti-Germaniż, 1st edn |
Plank, Frans | 1996 | Domains of the dual, in Maltese and in general |
Brincat, Joseph | 2008 | Sicilianismi, italianismi e anglolatinismi nel vocabolario della lingua maltese |
Peterson, John | 2009 | Pseudo-verbs": an analysis of non-verbal (co-)predication in Maltese |
Peretti, Joseph | 1964 | Les aspects linguistiques, litteraires, artistiques et folkloriques de l'Italianite de Malte |
Aquilina, Joseph | 1975 | Some dialectal aspects of Maltese |
Payne, John R. | 1996 | The syntax of the Maltese cardinal numerals |
Wolf, Matthew | Cyclicity and non-cyclicity in Maltese: Local ordering of phonology and morphology in OT-CC | |
Pascoe, Robert & Jarlath Ronayne | 1997 | Malta: A siege and a journey |
Borg, Albert J. & Bernard Comrie | 1984 | Object diffuseness in Maltese |
Mifsud, Manwel | 1996 | The collective in Maltese |
Nieder, Jessica; van de Vijver, Ruben; Mitterer, Holger | 2021 | Knowledge of Maltese singular-plural mappings |
Milton, Josephine | 2010 | 'Speak in English!' : the language use of student teachers teaching English in Maltese primary schools : case studies |
Miller Amberber, Amanda; Nickels, Lyndsey A.; Crain, Stephen; Coltheart, Max | 2011 | Switching languages in bilingual aphasia : evidence of grammatical impairment from Rarotongan, Maltese, French and English |
Miller, Frederic P.; Vandome, Agnes F.; McBrewster, John | 2009 | Il-Lingwa Maltija |
Mifsud Grimaud, Veronique | 2009 | Websites in Maltese - How important are they for research purposes for year 5 and 6 pupils? |
Mifsud Chircop, George | 1978 | Towards a structural analysis of the Maltese riddle on Maranda's metaphoric structures |
Mifsud, Steven | 2012 | Il-Karti Manwali tas-Soċjetà Museumina - Studju Kritiku |
Mifsud, Ruth; Sammut, Moira | 1996 | L-iskills tas-smigħ tat-taħdit fil-lingwa Maltija fil-livell primarju mill-kindergarten sat-tielet sena |
Mifsud, Neville | 2014 | Id-djarju ta’ de Soldanis - tagħrif bijografiku u soċjali |
Mifsud, Mary Rose | 2010 | A translation of Hotel Rwanda (screenplay) |
Mifsud, Maria | 2010 | A study of superordinates & hyponyms in Maltese Sign Language |
Mifsud, Maria | 1993 | The extent of English/Maltese usage among university students: sociolinguistic considerations |
Mifsud, Manwel; Borg, Albert J. | 1997 | Fuq l-għatba tal-Malti : deskrizzjoni kommunikattiva ta’ l-ilsien Malti fuq il-mudell tat-"Threshold level 1990 |
Mifsud, Manwel | 2009 | Imma l-oriġinal oriġinali?": A noun-adjective opposition in some Maltese word-classes of Romance origin |
Vanhove, Martine | 1998 | Future, injunctive and purpose subordinating conjunctions. The case of Maltese ħalli, ħa and biex |
Mizzi, Carole | 2006 | As a matter of tact: a sociolinguistic perspective of English and Maltese euphemisms |
Mizzi, Lewis F. | 1923 | What is the Maltese Language? |
Mizzi, Rosario | 2010 | A speech intelligibility test for Maltese speaking children between 5 to 10 years: A pilot study |
Mizzi, Veronica | 2013 | Ir-reġistru tat-tisjir tal-ħelu bl-ilsien Malti |
Nieder, Jessica; Tomaschek, Fabian; Cohrs, Enum; de van Vijver, Ruben | 2022 | Modelling Maltese noun plural classes without morphemes |
Zammit, Marjes & Charles Mifsud | 2003 | Language learning and teaching in Malta |
Neame, Josephine | 2006 | Code-switching in Sliema |
Muscat, Maria | 2009 | Dizzjunarju storiku msejjes fuq ix-xhieda tal-ismijiet tal-inħawi mxandrin fil-Place-Names ta’ Wettinger: I-Z |
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Muscat, Keith | 2014 | Il-lingwaġġ tar-reklamar bil-Malti |
Muscat, Derek | 2011 | A contrastive study of German and Maltese constituent order and its application in translation practices |
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Muscat, Charlie | 1973 | Lejn ir-rebħa ta’ l-ilsien Malti, 1921-1940 |
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Müller, Stefan | 2009 | A head-driven phrase structure grammar for Maltese |
Moser, Manfred; Meyer, Sharon; Felice-Pace, Joe | 2005 | Malti-Ġermaniż, dizzjunarju kbir = Deutsch-Maltesisch, großes Wörterbuch |
Mori, Laura | 2012 | Linguistic variation in legal Maltese: EU directives compared to national implementation laws |
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Saade, Benjamin | 2020 | Derivational networks in Maltese |
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Gatt, Daniela; Grech, Helen; Dodd, Barbara | 2013 | Early lexical expression in typically developing Maltese children: implications for the identification of language delay |
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Gatt, Daniela | 2007 | Establishing the concurrent validity of a vocabulary checklist for young Maltese children |
Gatt, Daniela | 2001 | A case study: patterns of language use employed by a Maltese mother with her language delayed infant |
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Grech, Helen | 2012 | Translation to practice: Phonological analysis of the speech of multilingual children in Malta |
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Filipovich, Vladimir; Enriquez Filipovich, Catherine | 1998 | Français-Maltaise : la langue Maltaise pour tout les occasions |
Filipovich, Vladimir; Enriquez Filipovich, Catherine | 1998 | Deutsch-Maltesisch : die Maltesische Sprache in allen Situationen |
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Fenech Magrin, Josette | 2003 | Transferability of polysemous expressions in Maltese bilinguals |
Francica, Claire | 2007 | The effect of different early support programmes on Maltese bilingual children: three case studies |
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Gambin, Kenneth | 2004 | Malta: Roots of a Nation |
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Galea, Maria | 2014 | SignWriting (SW) of Maltese Sign Language (LSM) and its development into an orthography: Linguistic considerations |
Galea, Maria | 2006 | Classifier constructions in Maltese Sign Language (LSM): an analysis |
Galea, Luke; Ellul, Leanne | 2020 | Revisiting the definite article in Maltese |
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Galea, Luke | 2012 | The representation of strong tri-consonantal Semitic verbs in the Maltese Mental Lexicon |
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